Last Icicle

by Angeles M Pomata
Original - Sold
9.500 x 12.600 x 0.016 inches
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Last Icicle
Angeles M Pomata
Painting - Oil On Paper
This painting is based on the original photograph "House Finch With Cold Feet", by Cindy Treger, whose express consent has been requested to use it as a reference.
The house finch is resident from Southeastern Canada to Mexico and is a recent introduction from western into eastern North America (and Hawaii). The males show beautiful colors, usually from red to pink, in forehead, throat, and breast. Their tail is long and weakly notched.
As for the females, they are overall smaller and of brown color, with conical bills, notched tails, and blurry streaking on the belly.
March 16th, 2024
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Comments (20)

Asbed Iskedjian
Very beautiful bird and artwork, Angeles, when in winter of 2007 I start small bird photographing, it ia among the first species I took in photo. F/L
Angeles M Pomata replied:
No wonder you chose this bird as your first subjet, these house finches are amazingly beautiful!! Thank you so much for your lovely words, Asbed!! I truly appreciate them :))

Cindy Treger
Angeles, beautiful artwork - you did an outstanding job! f/l
Angeles M Pomata replied:
Huge thanks for your lovely words, my dear friend!! I love your stunning photo. :))

Antonis Meintanis
Wonderful ...cute...fantastic...artwork dear Angeles !!👍 👌Best and creative wishes !👌fav👌

Kathy M Krause
Fantastic painting of this gorgeous house finch, Angeles! Enjoy the face and feather details! F/L
Angeles M Pomata replied:
Thank you so much for your wonderful comment, Kathy!! I very much appreciate it. :))

Donna Kennedy
Ohhh my Angeles!! This painting is so beautiful, the color and details are perfection!!...F/L/X ⭐️
Angeles M Pomata replied:
Thank you so much for your gracious words, Donna!! I very much appreciate them. :))

Cindy Treger
Angeles, beautiful artwork - he is perfect. f/l
Angeles M Pomata replied:
Yes, he is!! Thank you so much, my dear Cindy!! I truly appreciate it. :))

Nishma Creations
Magnificent piece of art, dear Angeles! Love this artwork, excellent expression, details and colors! Charming and adorable bird portrait! 💕L/F
Angeles M Pomata replied:
Thank you so much for your wonderful comment, dear Nisha!! I very much appreciate it. :))