
by Angeles M Pomata
Buy the Original Painting
14.960 x 21.650 x 0.800 inches
This original painting is currently for sale. At the present time, originals are not offered for sale through the Angeles M Pomata secure checkout system. Please contact the artist directly to inquire about purchasing this original.
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Comments (17)

Cindy Treger
Angeles, beautiful work of art. Love the calming colors used. f/l
Angeles M Pomata replied:
So very kind of you, my dear Cindy!! Thank you so much for your lovely words. :))

Laurie Search
Revisiting this gorgeous tree, my dear friend!! I love trees, and this one is no exception!! I love the pattern on the trunk!!! Really stunning work!!!! :)))vft
Angeles M Pomata replied:
So very kind of you, dearest Laurie!! Thank you so much for your wonderful comment!! :))

Laurie Search
What a beautiful tree with such gorgeous details!!!! So wonderful, Angeles!!! :)))vf
Angeles M Pomata replied:
Thank you so much for your gentle comment, Laurie! You are really kind. :))

Catalina Walker
Quite lovely, Angeles, I really admire your precious works! l/f/tw
Angeles M Pomata replied:
Wow, Catalina, all your comments are so inspiring and wonderful. You are really kind. Thank you very much. :)