Echoes In The Blue Pond

by Angeles M Pomata
Buy the Original Painting
16.140 x 12.990 x 0.800 inches
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Echoes In The Blue Pond
Angeles M Pomata
Painting - Oil On Canvas
February 21st, 2021
Similar Subjects
Comments (38)

Cindy Treger
Angeles, beautiful artwork - lovely colors and I like how your background fades. f/l
Angeles M Pomata replied:
Thank you so much for your lovely words, dear Cindy!! I very much appreciate them. :))

Laurie Search
This is such stunning work, my dear friend!!!! Love the fog, mood, and colors!!!! :)))ft fb
Angeles M Pomata replied:
Thank you so much for your wonderful comment, my dear Laurie!! I greatly appreciate it. :))

Donna Kennedy
Beautiful color in this wonderful landscape painting Angeles, a revisit!...F/L/T 💙
Angeles M Pomata replied:
Thank you so much for your lovely comment, Donna!! I truly appreciate it. :))

Marty Morales
Gorgeous Blue Pond work of art, colors, and composition, Angeles. l/f
Angeles M Pomata replied:
Thank you so much for your lovely words, Marty!! I truly appreciate them. :))

Angeles M Pomata
Thank you so much to the collector from Leonberg, Baden Württemberg who just purchased a Canvas Print of "Echoes In The Blue Pond". I hope you'll enjoy it!! 😊💐❤️️ :))

Laurie Search
This is just such a gorgeous painting, dearest friend!!! It's so peaceful, and the mountains and colors are all so very beautiful!!! I love it!!! :)))vft fb
Angeles M Pomata replied:
Huge thanks for your lovely words, dearest Laurie!! I very much appreciate them. :))

Sunil Kapadia
This is awesome! So serene and amazing color rendering. You have so intricate touch with color. I am learning from you images. Fabulous! L/.F
Angeles M Pomata replied:
This is so kind of you, Sunil!! I'm flattered!! Thank you so very much for your gracious words. :))

Anne Gifford
The ribbons of gray winding through the imaginative shapes of the landscape are brilliant, as is this entire painting. like/f
Angeles M Pomata replied:
Thank you so much for your thoughtful and lovely words, Anne!! I very much appreciate them. :))

Marian Bell
Love the contrasts of light, color and shapes used in creating this gorgeous landscape, Angeles! LFpin
Angeles M Pomata replied:
This is so kind of you, Marian!! Thank you so much for your lovely words. :))

Cindy Treger
Angeles, beautiful work of art created with your unique style and wonderful colors. f/l
Angeles M Pomata replied:
Thank you so much for your wonderful comment, dear Cindy!! I very much appreciate it. :))