Early Spring American Goldfinch
by Angeles M Pomata
Buy the Original Painting
9.500 x 12.600 x 0.016 inches
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Early Spring American Goldfinch
Angeles M Pomata
Painting - Oil On Paper
This painting is based on the original photograph 'Flawless Male American Goldfinch', by Cindy Treger, whose express consent has been requested to use it as a reference.
The original photo can be found here: https://fineartamerica.com/featured/flawless-male-american-goldfinch-cindy-treger.html
The American goldfinch is an abundant and widely distributed species in the temperate zones of North America, common in summer in weedy fields, alluvial plains, early second growth forests, orchards and suburban garden habitats where they find their main food and suitable sites of nesting.
They are active, acrobatic finches that balance on the seedheads of thistles, dandelions, and other plants to pluck seeds.
They have a bouncy flight during which they frequently make their po-ta-to-chip calls. The males have a bright yellow back and chest, while females' color is usually a duller yellow or olive. Sometimes it's difficult to distinguish between sexes as a male also acquire a dull color during the nonbreeding season.
Although males sing exuberantly during spring, pairs do not nest until mid-summer when thistles and other weeds have gone to seed. They are usually monogamous and usually produce a brood a year. Goldfinches do not join other songbirds mobbing predators.
April 7th, 2019
Comments (48)
Cindy Treger
Angeles, you did an outstanding job on this beautiful guy - lovely background also. f/l
Angeles M Pomata replied:
Thank you so much for your gracious words, dear Cindy!! I truly appreciate them. :))
Cindy Treger
Angeles, beautiful work of art - he looks like he has a smile on his face. f/l
Angeles M Pomata replied:
It's true!! Thank you so much for your lovely words, dear Cindy!! I truly appreciate them. :))
Cindy Treger
Angeles, this is one gorgeous work of art - you did an outstanding job with it. f/l
Angeles M Pomata replied:
Thank you so much for your gracious words, dear Cindy!! I really appreciate them. :))
Cindy Treger
Angeles, this is a stunning piece of artwork - great expression and I love your beautiful flowers. f/l
Angeles M Pomata replied:
Thank you so much for your wonderful comment, dear Cindy!! Your photo is absolutely gorgeous. :))
Miroslava Jurcik
Congratulations, your gorgeous work has been chosen for Special feature gallery in Kingdom Animalia , you now welcome to add your work there under discussion tab !! l/f/t
Angeles M Pomata replied:
Thank you so much for your kind comment and special feature, Miroslava!! I greatly appreciate it. :))
Aberjhani's Official Postered Chromatic Poetics
A gorgeously masterful work of natural beauty. Much gratitude for the sharing.
Angeles M Pomata replied:
So very kind of you, Aberjhani!! Thank you so much for your wonderful comment. :))
Cindy Treger
Angeles, this is an amazing piece of artwork. The goldfinch is perfect and you surrounded him with gorgeous flowers. f/l
Angeles M Pomata replied:
Thank you so much for your gracious comment, my dear friend!! I really appreciate that. :))
Xueping Zhang
Such a lovely painting Angeles! Love the colors, the composition... so beautiful!! F/l
Angeles M Pomata replied:
Thank you so much for your lovely comment, Xueping!! I truly appreciate it. :))