Christmas At The Cuddly House

by Angeles M Pomata
Christmas At The Cuddly House
Angeles M Pomata
Painting - Mixed Media
September 21st, 2017
Similar Subjects
Comments (17)

Guido Strambio
Marvelous composition and mood Angeles, a great image for Christmas! l/f/Tw
Angeles M Pomata replied:
Thank you so much for your lovely comment, Guido!! I truly appreciate it. :))

Cindy Treger
Angeles, this is one gorgeous piece of artwork. I love your cuddly characters - they are all adorable. f/l
Angeles M Pomata replied:
I'm so glad you like them, my dear friend!! I truly appreciate your lovely comment. :))

Guido Strambio
What a lovely Christmas image Angeles, a magnificent piece of art! l/f/Tw
Angeles M Pomata replied:
Thank you so much for your lovely comment, Guido!! I truly appreciate it. :))

Cindy Treger
Dear Angeles, I love your little Cuddly's - this is an amazing piece of artwork. f/l
Angeles M Pomata replied:
I'm so glad you like, dear Cindy!! Thank you so very much for your lovely words. :))

Laurie Search
Such a sweet, precious, adorable, and beautiful Christmas creation, dear Angeles!! :)))vf
Angeles M Pomata replied:
Thank you so much for your lovely comment, my friend!! You are so, so kind. :))