Big Eyes Dik-Dik
by Angeles M Pomata
Buy the Original Painting
9.450 x 7.480 x 0.160 inches
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Big Eyes Dik-Dik
Angeles M Pomata
Painting - Oil On Canvas Board
The dik-dik is a small antelope in the genus Madoqua that live in shrublands and savannas of eastern Africa, where they are able to blend in with their surroundings. The dik-dik name comes from the alarm calls made by the females, yet both male and female make a shrill, whistling sound. They tend to live in habitats with good cover but without tall herbage, and only the males have small horns.
October 20th, 2017
Comments (54)
Donna Kennedy
Returning to say Congratulations on your Sale Angeles, love this adorable image!...F/L/T ❤️
Angeles M Pomata replied:
This is so kind of you, Donna!! Thank you so much for your lovely words. :))
Angeles M Pomata
Thank you so much to the collector from Sutton Courtenay (England) who just purchased a Print of "Big Eyes Dik-Dik". I hope you'll enjoy it!! 😊🌹💐 :))
Sunil Kapadia
Marvelous portrait. Look at those eyes. So eager and also suspicious. Love the mold of the eyes too. Awesome. FT
Angeles M Pomata replied:
Thank you so much for your thoughtful and lovely comment, Sunil!! I truly appreciate it. :))
Marian Bell
Had to come back and look at that innocent face, Angeles! LOVE this! LF
Angeles M Pomata replied:
This is so kind of you, Marian!! Thank you so much for your lovely words. :))
Tejsweena Krishan
Wow, what a very magical creation with the meaning of big brown eyes reflects positiveness! I love this very touching, and an outstandingly spectacular piece of art my friend! :)
Angeles M Pomata replied:
Huge thanks for your wonderful comment, dear Tejsweena!! I very much appreciate it. :))